Meet The Member: Jen

Meet CSA Member Jen

Member since 2023

I want to introduce you to Jen. She has lived most of her life in Oregon, having grown up on the coast. She has two kids and is a massage therapist. Prior to moving to Portland, for over a decade she raised cattle, poultry, and pigs on a 60-acre farm in the valley.

She loves spending time in nature. She shared that even though she has traveled extensively to other countries, she still finds the Pacific Northwest to be one of the most beautiful places she has ever been.

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Up Close And Personal With Local Agriculture

Jen grew up with a family that cooked from scratch and owned a cooking store. They even had a mill that Bob from Bob’s Red Mill helped them set up. She shared she always had a local attitude towards food. After college she started familiarizing herself with purchasing local and organic food. She joined a vegetable CSA.

After living out of state for a few years she made her way back to Oregon. At the time the plan was to raise her kids on a small acreage. They found a unique property that was in farm deferral, a special land designation. This led to Jen raising cattle. She had a small herd of no more than 30. She would then sell shares of beef and yearlings. She admits it was a lot of hard work and it was a big learning curve, but she really enjoyed it. Over time she started also raising chickens and pigs.

CSA Origin Story

Raising animals for meat on her own farm gave Jen a unique perspective when life changed directions.

It was a challenge finding meat that met her standards In Portland. She had tried another meat CSA, but it wasn’t a good fit.

When we had our own farm, I didn’t want to eat anything that we didn’t raise.

For a period of time, I felt that we really shouldn’t be eating the amount of meat that most Americans consume.

I would rather spend more for meat that is from an animal that has had a kinder life, and that’s more ethically and humanely raised. Then just eat less of it per serving.
— Jen

Jen later found out about the Double F Ranch CSA by word of mouth. While dining at the home of a friend who is a chef, another guest who owns a restaurant in town was talking about their CSA. Curious, she asked about it and Jen got excited. She showed up at pick up to purchase some of the extras provided and loved it! She quickly signed up for a membership.

Seamless Transition To The CSA

With her experience raising animals, Jen didn’t find joining the CSA as intimidating. Quite the opposite, she was used to trying new things and felt confident in her cooking skills. She even prefers to get the whole chicken and cut it up herself.

When raising your own meat,

...there was no I don't know what to do with this. When you move away from just getting chicken breasts you just have to figure it out.

Top Qualities Of Belonging To The CSA

Jen identified her CSA top favorite qualities as:

  • Having access to more variety of meats than are available for purchase at the store. She loves trying new things and getting the variety forces her to try new methods of cooking.

  • She loves being able to get meat from one specific farm.

  • High quality meat

Mealtime Inspiration

Over the years her inspiration has come from many sources including:

  • Saveur, Food & Wine, Bon Appetit, and New York Times Cooking.

  • Friends that are chefs who share their food on Instagram.

  • Sharing recipes with friends who also really love food.

She also has lots of cookbooks that she turns to for inspiration, but some are also for entertainment value, like her Campbell Soup Cookbook. Others though, like Victory Garden, the 1956 edition Betty Crocker cookbook and 1967 edition of Joy of Cooking are staples.

Jen shared that this past holiday season the plan was to do a white elephant gift exchange where everyone would look through the old cookbooks and find the grossest recipe to determine who goes first. Think mayonnaise popsicle! There is more than one way to use up those odd ball cookbooks.

Outstanding Cuts & Meals

The steaks are one of the outstanding cuts that Jen really loves.

  • She uses the leftover meat by thinly slicing it and making a cold Vietnamese salad with herbs, rice noodles, roasted veggies, and fish sauce.

She was excited to get a brisket and make corned beef this year for St. Patrick’s day. For New Year’s, she used a ham hock to make a soup with black-eyed peas, tomatoes, and collard greens.

Some of her go-to meals right now are mezze style. She shared her quick and easy mix:

  • In a food processor, pulse ground beef, shallots, mint, cilantro, sumac, and garlic. Flatten the meat and roast it.

Final Thoughts

Jen shared these final comments about her CSA experience so far;

I enjoy having it and I'm grateful for the fact that I have a deep freeze. I don't get through it all in one month, but I stage it and go through the most recent and it just keeps a lot longer. It is nice to have it on hand and not have to go to the store for it.

I prefer that it’s from one animal, from one butcher and not commingled. I just really like knowing that it's raised with good care from a small farm.

Thank you, Jen, for sharing your experience with us! -Rachel